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What Does Orthopedic Mattress Mean?

avril 10, 2022 2 lire la lecture

After studies of how the joints and bones work suggested that specially-designed mattresses could avoid morning back pain, the term "orthopedic mattress" was coined in the 1950s. The earliest orthopedic mattresses on the market were, in fact, created using orthopedic principles to help people with back problems. However, after seeing how well these mattresses were selling, mattress makers began to refer to all mattresses as "orthopedic."

The term "orthopedic" refers to a medical specialty. It is related to the discipline of orthopedics, which studies the function of the spine and other joints in particular. Orthopedic professionals assist in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal problems, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Sleeping on an orthopedic mattress is said to alleviate back and body pain as well as prevent future injuries caused by sleeping with the spine out of alignment. Most orthopedic mattresses employ special foam and construction techniques that allow the mattress to conform to the shape of the user's body, thereby supporting the spine, preventing pressure points from developing, and ensuring a restful night's sleep. In some circumstances, beds designated as "orthopedic" may come with medical expert and organization recommendations.

Medium to medium-firm mattresses are the most commonly recommended. Because they are not ideal for a wide range of sleep habits and body types, ultra-soft and extra firm mattresses are not generally termed "orthopedic." Medium mattresses provide the most universal comfort and are frequently recommended for side, back, and combo sleepers, as well as individuals who weigh 130 to 230 pounds on average. A medium bed's blend of support and cushioning ensures that the joints are cradled and pressure points are avoided. The modest stiffness, on the other hand, keeps the hips and shoulders elevated and the spine neutral. Back pain sufferers and people who weigh more than 230 pounds should opt for a medium-firm mattress. To prevent excessive sinking and spinal misalignment, these beds are slightly firmer than medium-firm beds.

It is recommended that you replace your mattress after seven years, just like all other mattress types. If you have an orthopedic mattress, it's very crucial to follow this rule. You might reach the seven-year milestone and assume your orthopedic mattress is still in good condition. The springs and fillings, on the other hand, are almost certain to have weakened, indicating that you are no longer receiving the orthopedic support you require. Your back and joint pain may resurface as a result of this.
